Friday, August 31, 2012

Animal Crossing!!

My goodness I finally bought this game. I can't believe it's a 2005 video game and I just bought it in the year 2012. God I have been missing out.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I just crave chocolate sprinkled covered donuts. The sweetness, the taste, and a faster way to getting Diabetes. Lol I'm joking, that was mean. I've changed my diet a bit because I eat too much sugar and I want to keep my blood sugar on a minimal, but can anyone really resist this chocolately sprinkle goodness? Damn these heavenly snacks.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Yeah, I love collecting Hello Kitty merchandise, it's just super adorable and it's from Japan! lol I got the keyboard for Christmas and the mirror was given to me from a friend who went to DisneyWorld in Florida. <3

Hello Kitty

I bought a Hello Kitty mouse in Kmart a while ago. The mouse is  super adorable. Everytime I use my PC I can't help but stare at kitty floating inside the mouse lol.

Polaroid is the Word!

A week ago, I bought a Polaroid camera for $3 at a flea market in NJ. . Honestly my heart skipped a beat when I saw it from afar. It was in great condition and it came in it's vinyl case. The guy selling it wasn't sure if it worked, so he gave it to me at a cheap price. I'm honestly not sure how to use it, so I'm doing as much research as I can about the camera. Who needs Instagram when you have the Polaroid itself that inspired that program? Retro camera!=D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kawaii Uniform Time!!

So I found this image on Tumblr of a Japanese schoolgirl uniform. I love the pastel color and design. Since I know how to make clothes, instead of buying one for like a million dollars (sarcasm) I decided to make one myself. However, I'm wondering if I should use crazier colors and make a punk inspired uniform or if I should keep it simple, girly and just make a nice uniform like this. Grrrr it's so difficult XD